Friday, December 08, 2006

Louie Bellson - Hot (1988)

Drums, leader: Louie Bellson
Trumpets: Robert Millikan, Brian O'Flaherty, Larry Lunetta, Danny Cahn, Glenn Drews
Trombones: Don Mikkelsen, Hale Rood, Clinton Sharman, Keith O'Quinn
Saxes: Joe Roccisano, Don Menza, Jack Stuckey, George Opalisky, Kenny Hitchcock
Rhythm: John Bunch (piano), Jay Leonhart (bass)

Tracks recorded December 7 & 9, 1987.

1. Caravan
2. Ode to a Friend
3. The Peaceful Poet
4. Together We Rise
5. Hot
6. Hookin' It
7. Waltzing at Denison
8. Walkin' with Buddy


six-by-six said...

six-by-six said...

NEW: Hot (45MB